+ 1

weather app

Anyone can help me to code weather app like if the temp is colder than 50, use a light blue to indicated the cold and if greater than 50 , make the background a yellow? temp of new jersey , us

14th Dec 2016, 7:04 AM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar
27 Respuestas
+ 1
got it. u have class now , i will check the code after class and let u know. thank my prodessor ^^
14th Dec 2016, 10:28 PM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar
+ 1
yeah. i got it. i just put else} . so this code only check the zip code that i want to check location . right. i put my city in html , and if i set anothet zip code it still show my city ^^
15th Dec 2016, 6:56 AM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar
Where would be getting temperature data? User input or dynamic?
14th Dec 2016, 7:48 AM
Rishi Anand
Rishi Anand - avatar
the temp of New Jersey , usa my professor ask use JSON to do it.
14th Dec 2016, 7:50 AM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar
use openweathermap api. Here https://openweathermap.org/examples
14th Dec 2016, 7:56 AM
Rishi Anand
Rishi Anand - avatar
There are lots of examples available. Try it.
14th Dec 2016, 7:57 AM
Rishi Anand
Rishi Anand - avatar
thanks. do u know how to make the temp less than 50 the light blue will on?
14th Dec 2016, 5:51 PM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar
Write the JS script to change background color to light blue under the specific condition
14th Dec 2016, 5:53 PM
Rishi Anand
Rishi Anand - avatar
i tried but how i cant. i dk how the temp low the blue light will on. @_@
14th Dec 2016, 6:01 PM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar
Did you use the API and get temp from it? Just use a condition then... How much have you done already?
14th Dec 2016, 6:04 PM
Rishi Anand
Rishi Anand - avatar
i just am taking class html and he want me to use js but he dont teach anything. i am taking online class and he didnt teach anythihg at all. thats why i dont know how to do. and it is my final . thats kill me
14th Dec 2016, 6:14 PM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar
What, he is nuts??? Okay I'll do it, and tell you when I'm done...
14th Dec 2016, 6:24 PM
Rishi Anand
Rishi Anand - avatar
thank you so much. you're the best . can u do it quickly cause its due on this weekend. can i have your email ? where u live?
14th Dec 2016, 6:58 PM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar
So I did it. But here are some usage instructions. First you have to get an api key from openweathermap. For that you need to just sign up on its website. And you'll have it. Second, you need to edit the webpage. In the api_key variable, copy you api key as a string, and in the zip_code variable zip code for your location. Third, openweathermap api can only be called once in ten minutes. Fourth, your professor will know that you cheated.
14th Dec 2016, 10:00 PM
Rishi Anand
Rishi Anand - avatar
i will tried to follow you guide. how can he know i cheated if i change location ?
14th Dec 2016, 10:07 PM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar
Just because you are taking html class, and the webpage uses JS. since you're not knowing JS, you couldn't have wrote it.
14th Dec 2016, 10:09 PM
Rishi Anand
Rishi Anand - avatar
yes, exactly . i dont know why he said we use js to make a weather app . he didnt teach anything about js. however , u help me , thank god. now i can have code through the webpage u post , right
14th Dec 2016, 10:16 PM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar
Yep, whatever. Happy to help kid. At this point you won't be needing personal information. Still I'm at rishianand54@gmail.com, from India.
14th Dec 2016, 10:18 PM
Rishi Anand
Rishi Anand - avatar
the people from indian that really good about coding . right . thank you so much
14th Dec 2016, 10:20 PM
Hang Xach Tay
Hang Xach Tay - avatar