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As beginner programmers, it is important to get lots of practice. Where can we go to get this practice?
Practice Sites for new programmers?
3 Respuestas
You can learn in a lot of sites in the Web.
One that I recommend is Udacity. There you can find a lot of good free courses with a good teaching and easy to learn.
A good programmer search in a lot of fonts to solve problems and bugs.
A good forum site to learn and solve doubts you may have is StackOverflow, you are going to use it a lot in your carreer.
Videos are a good way to learn too and books and free book pdfs on the internet,
And to learn the main and better thing to do is start programming. Try finding some real problems, some real applications and try to develop some program to fit its purposes.
I hope I may have solved your question.
Best regards!
Thanks Diógenes Fancy Almeida. That definitely solved the question.
I have seen in another post people talking about w3schools too. I had forgotten to pass this one for you too. That is a good site that I've used a lot in the beginning when I was learning and today I sometimes go there again.
I've learned a lot of Html, CSS, JavaScript and others there.