Which is better for building a website, Atom,io or Brackets.io?
I'm writing a website and I am still deciding between Atom.io and Brackets.io. I am wondering what differences they have and which one would benefit me most while writing my website (not too advanced). Any suggestions? I'm writing in HTML, PHP and CSS-possibly JS too.
4 Respuestas
+ 9
for me it's "Visual Studio Code"
...that text editor is just too fantastic, you can easily make a <div> have a class name of say "style-div" just by writing:
output become:
<div class="style-div"></div>
after hitting "Enter"
+ 2
i'm currently using Atom without issues nor regrets
I used sublime text, you might as well give it a trial because it has great features with a lot of auto complete features inclusive that's required for modem coding techniques to facilitate the coding process.
One majorly required feature in modem text/code editors is auto complete the benefits cannot be over emphasize.
You might wanna stick to it after actually using it to write something tangible.
Ya but sublime text is $80