+ 1
Difference between cin and scanf.
Could you tell me, what the difference between cin and scanf is? I would rather use scanf. Is there any advantage that cin has over scanf?
5 Respuestas
+ 3
bro let me tell u scanf is faster than cin.
u can use scanf in c++ but not cin in c.
if ur program is small use cin. its easy to write.
if ur program is big like really big then use scanf
+ 1
cin is the object which takes input streams from keyboard, << is operator overloading in iostream.
scanf is the fuction which does the same..
cin is used in c++ and scanf in c thats the basic difference otherwise both do the same work.
yes iostream is slower than cstdio
yes you probably shouldn't use cstdio library which contains scanf , if your developing in c++
as someone mention above
there are even faster ways to get I/o than scanf if you don't care about formatting inpput and blah blah ...
ahoj brezito dalo mi ta v odporucaniach som fedorov kamos a spoluziak oliver