+ 12
Did Sololearn Support This.....?
i copy a snake game and menu bar code from my book and run the snake game and menu bar, but it said "time limit exceed" so i delete the code and try the code to my pc and it work! why?
11 Respuestas
+ 29
In the Code Playground, when you execute a code, unless it's a web code, it will be processed by a Sololearn server.
To make it possible, they had to set up two limitations for those executions:
There's a Time limit, something around 4 seconds (I don't really know) and a Memory use limit.
Also, anything like a snake game won't run with python, because it needs a visualisation window to open, and that's not possible in Code Playground.
For questions like this you can also post your code so we can answer more precisely ...
+ 9
Chaim Goldblatt thanks!
+ 8
i copyed the right code.. so... maybe its sololearn
+ 6
Code playground ide is very limited for non web codes.
Try running your code in a true ide.
+ 5
Chaim Goldblatt Thats true! But i alredy give space and a right Tab
+ 5
Cépagrave thanks!
+ 3
maybe the indentation was copied incurrectly, or solo learn shell does not have the memery for heave codes
+ 3
there is a thing with indentation though, even if you have copied the right code and it appers to be identical, sometimes it is not copied exactly the same where there is a couple of spaces (in the case if indentation it is necessary).
sure! :)
+ 2
Maybe the memory couldn't hold it well on SL? I don't know, but that is my guess.