+ 2

How to make a circling progress img or a simple progress bar?

as in Google loading pages or in apps loading is done by rotating circles of different colors . how to make this?

22nd Dec 2016, 3:29 PM
Rohit Kaushal
Rohit Kaushal - avatar
5 Respuestas
+ 5
22nd Dec 2016, 4:42 PM
Valen.H. ~
Valen.H. ~ - avatar
+ 4
I don't know SVG ^_^…
23rd Dec 2016, 3:44 PM
Valen.H. ~
Valen.H. ~ - avatar
+ 2
animated gif
22nd Dec 2016, 5:55 PM
Kirk Schafer
Kirk Schafer - avatar
+ 2
@ValentinHacker made me curious* so: https://blogs.adobe.com/creativecloud/the-state-of-svg-animation/ * But not as in 'fault'; I looked because it was there; I might have also chased 'charcoal', so hope the link's helpful.
23rd Dec 2016, 3:52 PM
Kirk Schafer
Kirk Schafer - avatar
+ 1
how from svg? can you give a coding valentinhacker?
23rd Dec 2016, 3:19 PM
Rohit Kaushal
Rohit Kaushal - avatar