I need some help in using Scanner to get input from the user
public class CelciusFahrenheitConv { public static void main(String[] args) { //!----Fahrenheit to Celsius float fahrenheit = 82; //ENTER THE FAHRENHEIT VALUE fahrenheit -= 32; fahrenheit /= 9; fahrenheit *= 5; System.out.println ("The Celsius Value Is: "+(Math.round(fahrenheit))); //!----Celsius to Fahrenheit float celsius = 28; //ENTER THE CELSIUS VALUE celsius *= 9; celsius /= 5; celsius += 32; System.out.println ("The Fahrenheit Value Is: "+(Math.round(celsius))); } } // I imported the java.util.Scanner and tried it but it's not working properly.
1 Respuesta
This is how it works
Scanner x = new Scanner (System.in);
x is just a name, it can be whatever you want
System.out.println("enter a value");
float fahrenheit = x.nextFloat();