+ 1
How complete are Sololearn's courses?
Hi there! So far my experience on Sololearn has been amazing: their system really provides a great learning experience and allows us to progress quickly. But precisely because of how easy it feels, I was wondering if these courses really teach "everything" we need to know about the language, or if it is more like an introduction to it. Either way, it's still a fantastic platform with a great community. Just curious :) Thank you in advance!
3 Respuestas
+ 6
They are courses with the basic content. And there really is not a course that teaches you 'everything' about a language, since it is a fairly extensive content.
Even so, with the lessons you can expand your knowledge.
+ 4
SoloLearn is a growing community as well, where coders also teach other coders with lessons etc, new things are always being added to help us better, and there is a wide range of websites and links provided whereever you may find them if you complete a course and want to learn more.
+ 1
Thank you for your answers!