+ 2

I need an advice?

hey guys in about 3 weeks I turn 15, and I started coding about 2 years ago. That moment I wanted to be a programmer. But the thing is I just cant focus on one thing and just move my focus around all the time. I joined freecodecamp, treehouse. But whenever I start learning new languages (python and such) in like a month or so I lose interest becase I cant get anything done or some sort of stuggles get in the way and I just quit and start on new lanague and irs just a repeat. Anyone have advices for me.

30th Dec 2016, 7:25 AM
Jason Yun
5 Respuestas
+ 3
It is because you lack goal (please, I mean no offense!) to get you motivated. Stop all your learning and make a list of things you would like to achieve with code. For example you may have a cool idea of a program you would like to make! Something that will make you proud for the accomplishment of doing it! This will give you that fire of excitement to code! Go for it! Now!
30th Dec 2016, 8:04 AM
Vishal++ - avatar
+ 2
Do smaller, weekend-sized projects. Or even just stuff you can finish in a few hours. When I was 15, the stuff you could do with the Python turtle blew me away! It looks deceptively simple but there's so much cool things to do. Logarithmic spirals, fake 3d cubes, a clock that tells time, epicycloids, lissajous curves, fractal trees, L-systems, langton's ant... The list is endless. And it's really simple to use too, you just `import turtle`, and do `turtle.forward`, `turtle.left` and `turtle.right`. Check it out!
30th Dec 2016, 9:35 AM
Schindlabua - avatar
+ 1
I am pretty sure you want to do something with your computer and you can't. For exemple couple of year age I was in school and I didn't have USB stick. So I create a really simple website where I loged and upload or download file. I am sure you have struggle like that all the time. So just make your own solution.
30th Dec 2016, 8:31 AM
Florian Castelain
Florian Castelain - avatar
+ 1
when you start setting goals for yourself you will motivate yourself automatticaly start with a language that is easy to learn. dont stop till you have finished it. i started with html and css. it is easy to learn and really satisfying maybe you should try that. once you see progress in yourself you will be motivated. but really important is that you dont quit. finish one language and after that learn another one. i am sure you can do that
30th Dec 2016, 9:18 AM
seyfullah - avatar
Yes, as others say, start small projects. And then when you hit a struggle stick with it and ask for help ( rather than change project or language ) Over time you will see your projects getting bigger and you will gain experience. What sort of projects have you tried yet?
31st Dec 2016, 8:02 AM
ifl - avatar