Hey o/ I read lots of articles and search but I don't get the real difference between node.js and angular. I understand that node.js is a javascript server which means that there is no need of browser. I understand that angular is more dedicated to front-end. what I don't understand is: what is the difference between building webpage with node.js using express.js and let them build the final html OR use angular to build the frontend ? thanks in advance :)
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Node JS is a server like Apache. But unlike Apache, it doesn't just send the requested file to the client, but executes JavaScript code, that can send anything to the client. If you just want to build a normal website, it is better to use Apache, because then you don't have to worry about writing the server's code. But in case you want to create large server site code and don't want to use PHP, Node JS would be better. Angular is a front end library, that means that the code is executed in the browser, regardless what server you use. That means that you can not only use angular with Apache or without a server, but also with Node JS.