+ 2
Hello. Kotlin is better or java for android programing?
kotlin vs java
6 Respuestas
+ 6
I vote Kotlin so that is what I'm using. However, I've got decades of professional programming experience and I know & don't like Java. If you don't have a good programming background, you would be better off with Java. Most of the examples and resources to help you make an Android app are for Java. I'm constantly converting them to Kotlin as there are very few examples in Kotlin.
+ 12
thanks for this. some of us are new. so I guess I'll settle in Java
+ 4
Good luck with it.
+ 2
thanks for your answer man John Wells .
I'll learn Java first, and then I'll go to Kotlin when I'm professional
+ 2
You don't have to wait that long. But, get a decent app in Java before making it or another in Kotlin.
+ 1
I think Kotlin is better because it is simple, has a clean syntax an can use any Java module without any trouble. So my vote is for Kotlin.