Best text editor for html coding
6 Respuestas
+ 7
You can use Notpad, Notpad++, Sublime 3.0 textveditor, visualstudio code
+ 2
I use notepad only
+ 1
If you are learning than use notepad++ otherwise use VScode or Sublime Text 3
+ 1
Notepad++ is neat. If you haven’t worked with html coding before, the only thing you need to do is to save it as html. Recommend that you do it from the start, so you can run the code while you type to see the results.
+ 1
sublime text,jetbrains webstorm,or glitch.com okay glith.com is not a text editor but it is to good to leave out.
- 1
Use sublime text 3, it is a great choice if you are into you keyboard shortcuts as it makes coding so much quicker. Pay no attention to the Notepad++ hype. It's not as powerful.