Can Anyone help me understand Javascript, what’s the best way to make sense of it. I’m completely lost :-(
3 Respuestas
Search YouTube, or w3schools.com .
If it's your first programming language than it's completely okay!Don't worry if you're lost.
Write 20-30 simple JS codes everyday!Do a lot of google search and stackoverflow for improving your skill.
It depends on which part you're struggling with. This question is very broad, so if you're not able to get more specific, you'll probably keep getting fairly generic advice like "practice" or "look at other resources".
If your foundation in HTML and CSS is very strong (as in fairly intimate with the w3c specifications/standards) and you understand how web browsers work (broad strokes), then getting the basics of JavaScript shouldn't be horribly difficult, even without any other programming languages under your belt. Programmers picking up JavaScript as an additional language seem to have an easier time with the bulk of it but often end up resenting some of its oddities.