+ 4
Which editor is the best for beginners?
Which one do you recommend?
7 Respuestas
+ 7
Generally i don't recommend editors for beginners because:
1) The editors i like are not for beginners. they simple are not outofthebox. So they have a learning process.
2) The editors that i can think are good for beginners are just to simple.
But if is for recommend. I can recommend (for beginners of course) if you use windows notepad++.
For linux : Just use the default editor.
(Insert joke about use editor for programming in java here): In java i don't recommend use editor. Java is a verbose language. Use a IDE. Some 2 IDE's recommend for java are Netbeans and Eclipse. Try both and pick one you like.
I like more Netbeans but Netbeans is "heavy" application. I don't care about it because i have a really good hardware.
If you have time to learn a editor. Plis give Visual Studio Code a try.
+ 4
yeah pycharm is really good ide Goodester . And if you have some university email you can use the complete license and keeping renovating if you still in university .
+ 3
Try VsCode editor and don't forget to add an extension named "Emmet" it will make your life easier...
here is link its free https://code.visualstudio.com/
+ 3
for python i recommend pycharm!
+ 2
When I was starting my learning of HTML in school I was using PSPad and when I’ve started to code more I’ve started to use Visual Studio Code. I think that my way was good, for example in PSPad you can use something like helper when you press ctrl+space I think and it shows you possible commands. But when you will have more codes (and better codes) you can manage it better in Visual Studio Code ;)
+ 2
Geany, Atom, VScode
+ 2
Notepad++, Atom, VS Code, Sublime Text, etc.
Well, if you like professional editors for software development, I would recommend Vim or Emacs.