what is the best source for learning java for beginners ?
6 Respuestas
+ 2
bucky's video lectures
+ 1
Thankyou bro..its really great.. @Sagar Agarwal
+ 1
solo learn java
+ 1
There is a bunch of useful lectures to learn through Internet. Here is a playlist of a complete set of video tutorials made by "thenewboston" which may be useful for you: https://youtu.be/Hl-zzrqQoSE?list=PLFE2CE09D83EE3E28. Hope it helps you! :)
try java objected oriented
or try java for dummies (my favorite)
also keep in mind that u have to learn how to connect to database using java, then automatically u will be inspired to learn more triks in java .
good luck bro
read the book head first java katht sierra