11 Respuestas
+ 3
>>> is just the interpreter prompt for Python. We don't need it if we run a code in the Code Playground.
+ 3
And even when using an interpreter, you wouldn't need to manually type the >>>. It'd be displayed there automatically.
+ 3
Haha! You're welcome! :)
+ 3
Those are two different things. "2" and "3" are strings. "2" + "3" concatenates (puts them side-by-side) those two strings to get the new string "23". But if we just did 2 + 3, that would be adding the numbers 2 and 3. The result is 5. Does that make sense?
You'll soon learn more about them in the tutorial.
+ 3
Yes, doing 2 + 3 would be much better than int("2") + int("3") in that case. But as you'll soon see, sometimes we don't have a choice. It was just an illustration.
print ( 1 + 2 )
Is this the way i code it then?
You are a king! Thanks!
Last question i promise lol
print "2" + "3"
Why would i want to use the double quotation
print (2 + 3)
Be easier?
Yes the tutorial said if i want the concatenates to add "2" + "3" to get 5 i need to...
int("2") + int("3")
To get 5 or something like that
Why not just take it to the original math instead of going around it like that?
Or is it to convert strings into intergers sorry if it is converting lol
I just got confused but i do see now that it is to convert strings to intergers...
I feel stupid now