+ 5
Learning Java
So, I have just finished SoloLearn Java course! Where else can I learn Java and what topics are the most necessary and hard? Can I already take a part in assignments or I need more knowledge? Maybe some sources with tasks for beginners? Hope to hear your advice!
7 Respuestas
+ 18
Hy Stepan Zhuravlev
● U can start with beginner coding challenges/assignement here [they have a tag as Beginner]
//the information in lesson is sufficient to solve them easily
● U can look up to other code solutions in comment section of challenge/assignment for getting idea about new methods which U might not know
● U can learn about Streams , regEx etc for improving problem solving
+ 6
I agree with you that you should try some assignments
I think you can find the easy assignments to start on
For math, e. g. Composite number, linear equation solver
For string, e. g. Telephone number, pig Latin.
+ 3
try tutorialspoint.com
+ 3
udemy free course from john Purcell. he's the best.
+ 2
Download "Beginning java 9" if you want to learn all aspects of java...You can get it at "allitson.in"..it's free
+ 1
Now the next step is coding and declaring variables boss. ...
IiwijajI jauauaja