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What’s wrong with the following HTML markup? <p style"font-size:10px;">Copyright <span>2015</span></p>
10 Respuestas
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Musa Matena you forgot to add an " = " after the word "style" 👍
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Missing = sign after style attribute.
Copyright is not displayed like that. The right way is ©.
It can be corrected as
=> <p style="font-size:10px;"> © A<span> 2015</span></p>
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Missing equality sign "=" after "style"
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It is supposed to be:
<p style="font-size:10px;">Copyright <span>2015</span></p>
You omitted '='
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it should be :
<p style = "font-size: 10px">
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The code is just missing a few things.
<p style"font-size:10px;">Copywright<span>2015</span></p>
Should be:
<p style = "font-size:10px;">
The difference is that the style attribute is correct because it now follows attribute, value syntax.
The © is the correct way to enter a copyright Symbol
I hope this helps please let me know if I can be of any further assistance.
olvidaste poner el signo de = despues de style y borrar el punto y coma ; que tiene despies de px