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Do while loop
I understand how does a do while loop works, it first runs the code once then check the condition. What is the purpose of a 'do while loop' and is there any real life examples? Thank you
5 Respuestas
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Like Taste has shown, do-while loops are really great when receiving and validating input, and the reason is because when you are accepting input, you are ALWAYS receiving 1 input at the minimum.
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Imagine you want to validate user input. If there is no do while loop (like in python where a do while loop doesn't exist), you have to do this (pseudocode):
input = getUserInput();
while(input != valid) {
input = getUserInput();
So you have to write the line "input = getUserInput();" twice.
With a do while loop, you can simply do:
do {
input = getUserInput();
} while (input != valid);
Now you have to write the line "input = getUserInput()" only once and if the while condition is false (i.e. if the user input is valid), there will be no loop that keeps asking for valid input.
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Really simple use of do while
cout<<"num :";
It'll keep asking until the user give positive non zero input
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Hlo Zahraddeen Mahmud..if u have studied loops then i'll must say u should also know about what r foreach loops..so i have derived foreach loop in c++ using #define preprocessor directive
you could use a do while loop to get password input
example in java:
String password = "12345678";
do {
String input;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
input = sc.nextLine();
} while (input != password);
System.out.print("Access granted");
of course you shouldn't use this VERY VERY UNSAFE implementation, but this would be a possibility
also never store passwords in plain text