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Please suggest the best websites and resources to learn Competitive Coding.
Competitive Programming
5 Respuestas
+ 4
websites that you can use for competative coding are
hackerrank, codeshef, hackerearth, spoj, topcoder etc.
If you are just starting competative coding than i prefer hackerrank .it has friendly ui.
Question are catagarised from easy to expert level. It has section for language proficiency and algorithm too. You can solve problem on algorithm that you are currently studying.
If you are not new to competative coding than i think you should explore the web and choose problems that suit requirements.
Hackerearth and codeshef are good options.
For resources i think geeksforgeeks is the best option.
+ 4
This might be the most useful for competitive coders.
Hey guys, I have made a new app Coding List which contains all live, upcoming programming competitions from hackerearth, kaggle, codechef, codeforces, topcoder, aigaming, hackster, codinggame, hackerrank, projecteuler, atcoder and many more.
A must have app for programmers. Please Install, rate and review it. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.github.vikasgola.coding_list
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You learn competitive coding then you use hackerrank,codechef,codeblock,hackerearth and many websites to use to learn coding.
Havkerrank and codechef is best websites for competitive coding practice