what is wrong with this...............????????????
hmmm its not properly functioning.................??????????????? #include<iostream> using namespace std; struct students{ char firstName[40]; char lastName[40]; char course[30]; char rollNo[10]; char grade[1]; int age; float gpa; }; int main() { students data[10]; for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { cout<<"Enter the first name:"; cin.getline(data[i].firstName,40); cout<<"Enter the last name:"; cin.getline(data[i].lastName,40); cout<<"Enter the Course:"; cin.getline(data[i].course,30); cout<<"Enter the Roll Number:"; cin.getline(data[i].rollNo,10); cout<<"Enter the grade:"; cin.getline(data[i].grade,1); cout<<"Enter the age:"; cin>>data[i].age; cout<<"Enter your GPA:"; cin>>data[i].gpa; } }