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Python - Getting an Editor help plz
what's the point of HAVING a separate Editor for Python such as Notepad++? Why not instead just stick to the Editor u ALREADY have got with Python? If u do Ctrl-N on keyboard whilst on Python console, or just use the menu and click on File on the menu at top and then New File, then straight away u get the Editor up. So why bother having a separate Editor like Notepad ++? plz explain. THANKS :D
17 Respuestas
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one reason i can think of is being used to specific editor or having some extra features (notepad++ has many plugins for example)
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not sure but quick google search gives this article http://noeticforce.com/best-JUMP_LINK__&&__python__&&__JUMP_LINK-ide-for-programmers-windows-and-mac
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not 100% shure, but U write your code you wanna to see just the output and you can edit your code from the editor which you can't in IDLE and the most used editor for python is Pcharm
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no,you should run it with python executable (python.exe) but i'm not sure where is it located(it's somewhere in python folder). i can check it out later if you still have trouble(not near a computer right now)
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it looks like you got python console. i guess you should also put something that represents filename in your command for n++(not sure of the format).
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add "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" (with quotes) after python location. and add one input at the end of your program to stop the window from closing.
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I did add an extra line with nothing in it inthe .py file that I'm trying to run, but that didn't work :(.
Putting a random letter, say y, in addition to
but fail :(
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ok,it's almost done. the flashing thing you saw is your program being run. the reason for the fast closing is that python.exe considers it's job done and exits. so, add this
input('Press a key to exit...')
as the last line of your program. that way you will be able to see the output and the program will end after you press enter.
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ok,it's almost done. the flashing thing you saw is your program being run. the reason for the fast closing is that python.exe considers it's job done and exits. so, add this
input('Press a key to exit...')
as the last line of your program. that way you will be able to see the output and the program will end after you press enter.
Just tried it. :( STILL, as before, it QUICKLY comes and goes in a flash
what's the norm? which is most commonly used as Editor?
i decided to get Notepad++. PyCharm seems to be for those who r advanced, whereas I'm just a beginner really.
this is so confusing.
Basically, I've got Notepad++ now, but issue is that pressing F5, I get asked for the PROGRAM to Run. Now, I obviously want it to Run my .py file on IDLE. So, in the box asking me for what program to use for running the .py file I've got in front of me, I chose AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python35-32\Lib\idlelib\idle.pyw
Yet, after I then hit Run on the box after I've entered this destination of the PROGRAM to run in, what pops up is the Python 3.5.2 Shell window. But my .py file clearly didn't run ata all. ONLY there's >>>. Not really anything else of interest.... :(
Ok. But I did run now with Python.exe, and yet all I get is some black background -white text window that has is essentially empty really, nothing of a real interest. >>> is all, and some unimportant lines above. That's all. nothing really there of interest. So why is it that my .py file didn't get run then? I did
yes, I saved my code as a .py file, but unfortunately still no luck...
no,you should run it with python executable (python.exe) but i'm not sure where is it located(it's somewhere in python folder). i can check it out later if you still have trouble(not near a computer right now)
^^ tried running a .py file on the same python.exe executable that your talking about there. The.py file I tried running had on it the following:
Yet, all I got was some black background - white text window (perhaps some Python console different to IDLE?) that was essentially empty really, nothing of a real interest. >>> is all, and some unimportant lines above. That's all. nothing really there of interest. How to fix then? THANKS:)
have got the destination for the program to run as
...\python.exe "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)"
Hitting Run, I notice some window with black Background -White text that QUICKLY comes and goes in a flash.
Don't understand the following:
add one input at the end of your program to stop the window from closing.
i have made a video,try to see if it helps