+ 1
What is the output of below code of C++ and give its logic
#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int a=5,b=7; char c='D',d='a'; cout<<"\n"<<a<<"##"<<a++<<"##"<<++a; cout<<"\n"<<++b<<"&&"<<b++<<"&&"<<b+1; cout<<"\n"<<--c<<"@@"<<c<<"@@"<<c--; cout<<"\n"<<++d<<"$"<<d++<<"$"<<++d; return 0; }
5 Respuestas
I tell you the logic for only first line
"/n" for new line
a = 5
a++ = 5 // but it chages the value of intaitial a to 6
++a = 7
as a = 6 before
The ++a increment both new and old value
The final answer for the first line is
If you not understand it go back and read the concept of increment and descrement operators
Sorry your answer is wrong as it is showing some other answer while compiling it
I just give you answer for the first and it's correct
For first line answer