+ 1
Please anyone help me with why this happens
The problem is we have to remove all the vowels from a string and print out the string. But it's not getting printed so It prints the same input string as such Could you please help me out My code : def disemvowel(string): for letter in string: if letter in 'AEIOUaeiou': string.replace(letter,"") return string Output fail condition : Test Results: 'This website is for losers LOL!' should equal 'Ths wbst s fr lsrs LL!'
2 Respuestas
+ 3
I have made some (of what I think of as) improvements to your code and fixed the given issue. This was a very nice piece of code and I enjoyed the challenge! Hope you continue to have fun coding! 😁
The 'replace' method doesn't modify its argument. It is returns new string instead.
a = 'solo'
a.replace('l', "")
print(a) # prints solo
print(a.replace('l', "") # prints soo