+ 14
how to design a good web page?
important points while making an attractive web and necessary languages???
21 Respuestas
+ 8
Bootstrap is a good choice
+ 21
Learn HTML For Building The Structure Of Web Page Then Learn CSS And Bootstrap For Decorating It And JavaScript For Interactivities And More...!😊✌
+ 11
You should look carefully upon typography, interactivity, colour combinations, graphics e.t.c. of ur page. They should either be matching or complementary.
+ 8
You might also consider navigation simplicity as one of the factors that defines a "good website", if your visitors have to go round too many links inefficiently to get to what they wanted, then it definitely needs a rework on the navigation simplicity part.
Other than that you should also wisely categorise your audience, what was good for some, may not be as good for others, need to focus on aiming a certain class of visitors, it's a bit unclear to define what is good for "everyone".
And always keep the eyes/ears out to your audience input, and/or request, i.e. for features to ease them around on doing something in your site.
+ 7
Study, Study, Study!
+ 7
+ 7
thanX mateo
+ 6
are you seriously?
I think everybody know that if you wanna make "good page" you must use HTML & CSS
and if you wanna add some functions you can use Javascript
+ 6
thank you All guy's
+ 5
Read a good web design book or online resource.
+ 5
Thank u Decimis
+ 4
Design to Mobile First Approach
+ 3
thanx _yaroslvv, kelfry antonio and Arushi singhania...
+ 2
Html, css, grid,flexbox,sass,javascript,jquery
+ 2
To design an attractive website you should choice the best colors and typography and also use Bootstrap to make your website more interactive and responsive too.
+ 2
Keep advertisments to a bare minimum. Nothing takes away from a good website more than advertisements and they can make what would be a good page look absolutely trashy.
Pop-ups are another things to be wary of. Both advertisement pop-ups and pop-ups relating to the page itself.
Nothing makes me leave a page faster than excessive advertisements and pop-ups.
+ 1
The basic: html, css and javascript. And the modern web with vuejs. Vuetify, Element UI, Iview.
+ 1
You must know HTML,CSS and JavaScript and look at other good looking sites's source and study every aspect of their code!
+ 1
learn jquery