Variable naming conventions
How important is it to you that you name your variables exactly what they are? For example calling a new person object “newPerson” or the current person object “currentPerson”.
2 Respuestas
If you look at your own code six months later and feel like you haven't even written it yourself but you need to make improvements *now* because your boss is breathing down your neck, what sort of code would you like to find in those files?
Everything that helps you or another person understand what's going on as quickly as possible is a plus; and in my opinion good, telling names give a big contribution.
How *exactly* you do the naming, that would be very code-specific of course.
i agree 100%. good naming conventions keep your code clean and as we all know, reading code is not the easiest to do so naming your Scanner “n” or naming your StringBuilder “x”, makes the job 3x harder.