+ 23
What is better for creating websites?
1.Adobe dreamweaver 2.Microsoft visual studio
26 Respuestas
+ 12
//Both of them are popular, nowadays experienced coder use Visual studio, Dreamweaver is rarely used
+ 15
I think "Visual Studio", just love it for no reason..
+ 11
Iam using "Sublime text editor" because it is simple resources ,fast .
It is cross-platform so its available for Linux , windows and mac . On the basic of your question visual studio is is best .
+ 11
its fast and easy with SEO
+ 10
I use Atom ide https://ide.atom.io/ It's free and open source with a lot of plugins...
+ 10
Walter perdan
is right
atom is a good place to make sites
Wix is a good site which has a lot of templates
And sublime text is cool too
Hope the info I gave was helpful
+ 8
Microsoft Visual Studio is best because it is free. Adobe Dreamweaver is good but it's not free. At the beginning, you can also use notepad++ as it is easy to download and use.
+ 6
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 is better but it isn't free.
Edit: For Microsoft technologies like .NET, visual studio is better.
+ 5
Microsoft visual studio for .net website
+ 5
WordPress use for informative website www.wordpress.org
+ 5
I've used Visual Studio for a while now and it's really good working with.
+ 4
Find CMS you like
+ 3
For Linux environment I'd vote for Atom which is free plus it got a lot of amazing packages one can add (which are free too)
+ 3
Sublime for free
+ 3
IMO, first one + brackets
+ 3
use sublime text editor
+ 3
Both do the same thing. Creating a website unlike a windows program can be done by any editor(Even with notepad!). However, Visual studio is free which gives it a higher advantage over dreamweaver.
+ 3
netbeans ftw
+ 2
Guys FYI my favorite is WebStrom )))
+ 2
For the longest time I had used pycharm, and just recently I had tried out Atom. Let me tell you I don't think I'll be doing anything complex on pycharm anymore. I absolutely love Atom. It is so much more user friendly, and you don't have to install a module for every little thing you do.