+ 5
What is Buffer Overflow?
6 Respuestas
+ 13
I 🤔 think that
It's a exploitation technique
+ 7
More data written to memory than what was allocated, causing some data to be written to adjacent areas of memory not initially set aside for the given data.
+ 6
Did you mean BufferOverflow?
Then en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buffer_overflow
Butter Overflow means a piece of butter overflows as it was heated due to heat 😂 JK
+ 3
An issue faced by pubg players .. its a type of bug gamers say
+ 2
Well sorry typing error
+ 2
Buffer overflow is simply putting more data into a memory location than space was allocated for. This causes the excess data to be written into adjacent memory space which may have been defined for use by your program or other programs running on the affected system.
Buffer overflow is commonly exploited to put program code alterations into a system and causing that code to be executed. Alternatively it could be used to modify existing data that was intended to be constant in the program.
Programmers who fail to check for buffer overflow before writing data to memory sometimes spend enormous amounts of time and energy searching for other (non-existent) errors before discovering the coding error that allows buffer overflow to occur.
Many solutions have been published that demonstrate how to avoid buffer overflow, and programmers should write code to prevent unintentional overflow and the errors that can occur because of it.