Why does this code give an error if a byte contains -128 and 127 characters?
Byte a = 5; Byte b = 10; Byte c = a+b
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The problem occurs due to the fact that there is no instruction set to perform operation on a byte type.
byte a = 5; // variable a of byte type created 5 assigned to it.
byte b = 10; // variable b of byte type created 10 assigned to it.
byte c = a+b; // a+b is automatically promoted to integer,
// since now result of summary is integer you cannot assign integer to byte.
// This occurs as the range of int is much greater than the range of byte
In order to bypass this error use casting as follow :
byte c = (byte) (a+b);
why does it automatically promoted to integer? 15 is still in a range of a bye. i understand why it creates the error but not why it makes it an integer of it