Why is (a,b) equal to 22?
a=1 b=a+1 a,b =2, a+1 print(a,b) Solution: 22 a = 1, so b = 1+1= 2 a,b = 2, a+1 # 1, 2 = 2 ,1+1 #So solution should be 1,2,2,2? Why is it just 22? Any help appreciated:)
6 Respuestas
+ 4
Python allows you to do multiple assignments in one step. Instead of
a = 1
b = 2
c = 3
, you can just do:
a, b, c = 1, 2, 3
Assignments are done from the right to the left, so the third value after the = (3) will be assigned to the third variable (c), the second value (2) to the second variable (b) and so on.
So a, b = 2, a + 1 will first set b to a + 1 (which is 2) and then set a to 2. The value of a is only changed once.
This syntax is particularly useful if you want to assign values of a list/tuple etc. to variables:
l = [1, 2, 3] # list with three elements
a, b, c = l
This will assign 1 to a, 2 to b and 3 to c.
+ 1
Because python takes everything in sequence. So
a =1
/*simplified*/ a=2,b =early value of a (1) +1=2
So 22 is the output due to no space
+ 1
You can ignore the second line, b=a+1, because b will be redefined in the next line.
a, b = 2, a+1 means:
b = a+1
a = 2
a was 1 before (see first line), so now both a and b are 2.
print(a, b) prints the values of a and b, separated by a space: 2 2
A variable can only have one value at a time.
a = 1 # a is 1
a = 2 # now a is 2, the previous value (1) is lost
a += 1 # now a is 3 (same as a = a + 1)
a = 'hello' # now a is something entirely different
+ 1
Thanks, Anna and Mishra:).
So, what youre saying, is that on line 3 "(a,b =2, a+1)" a actually changes value 2 times?
From 1, to 2 (as Anna kindly listed above)?
Thanka for your help. I think I can see my mistake now.
Thanks for your help. Still not quite clear though.
I can see how b would be "22".
But the two numbers assigned to the value of "a" are "1" and "2". Where is the comman to make the "1" a "2"?
Thanks so much Anna! I really appreciate it. 👍🏻