Java programm
Java programm All kenyan employee earning Gross salary(basic salary +allowance)of over 11000 are subject to an income tax of 30% of basic salary.In addition the following deduction must be made 1.pension contribution of 5% basic salary 2.NHIF of 1200 for gross salary of 100,000 and above while 320 deduction for gross salary below 100,000 3. NSSF of 200 Write a program with one class and several methods performing different computation . The main {} method should contain appropriate statements that prompt the user to enter name,basic salary and house allowance it should also display the payslip as follows Employee Name: Gross pay: Tax: Pension: NHIF: NSSF: Net pay : There should be 5 different value returning methods to compute and return tax,pension,NHIF, NSSF and net pay NB; NET PAY=GROSS PAY -(TAX +PENSION+NHIF+NSSF)