+ 12
C# vs JAVA
Which programming language is the best to learn in 2017 and why?
38 Respuestas
+ 24
Definitely do some research. Wikipedia has a nice list on which platforms use which language.
As mentioned by others if you like Microsoft, Windows, and Xbox then C# is a good route.
On the other hand Java is on a wider variety of platforms which would make it easier to distribute code to different devices and thus more people.
Honestly though, why not both?
The essential concepts are the same, you just need to remember the little differences.
For instance write a line to the console:
System.out.println("Java is cool")
Console.writeline("C# is Great")
It's just a matter of syntax.
+ 20
I think that C# is the language of the future.
+ 13
I would say Java since more and more things are getting more mutli-OS platform these days. But C# also can be an option for quick and simple codes.
+ 13
if you like windows then C#
+ 11
I am in a similar doubt, I want to learn to make games and apps and I can't decide in which should I focus.
But I don't think there is a "better" lenguage, just different lenguages
+ 10
Well, Java is the programming language for Android which runs on 80% of the mobile devices in the world.
C# is the programming language for Unity game engine which can be used for making apps and games that run on most platforms exist and is commonly used in AAA and indie game development.
I would say that for Application development, choose Java
For game development, choose C#.
+ 8
I think you can learn both languages. First Java and then C#. They are very similar.
+ 7
You can make anything with Java to any plataform you like, you make your code once and create that same app or game for almost every plataform you want.
C# can do the same theses days when you use with UnityEngine to build games and with Xamarin to build apps, and yes, C# is totally free like Java and you can do anything with it. C# is multi-plataform too.
There is no the best language, you just need to choose which one you like.
+ 6
c# because there is unity for games .asp for web and xamarin for mobile development (ios, android), but I like java too it's free
+ 5
It depends on what you want to focus. If you want to create for smartphones, then java. for everything else C# (even in Linux you can use C#).
+ 5
Whichever of the two you chose you will easily be able to pick up the other. The syntax and styling of code in both Java and C# is extremely similar.
I personally learned Java first because that was the language taught in my OOP programming course and now translating all of the programs that I have written in Java to C#.
VB .NET and ASP .NET are also good choices
+ 4
everyone is saying c# is windows only but you can make apps and games for ios and android and vr and other via xamarin or unity.
i learned c# and just made my first program :)
+ 3
I don't think C# will rule on unity3d and other components for long ....but on the other hand java will always stand as it is standing from beginning ....java will never die
+ 3
both java and C# are awesome programing languages, but my vote goes to C# even if java is a programing language that boot on all os, and devices, i think C# is a bit more organized and more logically oriented, therefore it is makeing the code to be much easly writen and readed by others and by myself
+ 2
I am with java because its platform independent, fast and always gets update and new stable version 1.8 is so good...
+ 2
Java, if you want to develop Android apps.
+ 2
I think( c#,c++&java )forever
+ 2
+ 2
honestly the two are so similar i think it just comes down to java being more widespread and c# having windows support exclusively but i mean why not both? once you figure one of them out the other will be a piece of cake.
+ 1
I'm guessing with C# you mean .NET. If you're looking for desktop and server development, go for .NET. And if you want to enter into the world of enterprise software development, go for JAVA.