Is this the correct program?? If so why it is not working?? #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> void main() { clrscr(); cout<<"hello world! "; getch(); }
6 Respuestas
+ 1
your code is correct
its showing error because you may be using it in new compilers (or here).
you dont have to write '.h' after the header file name and u need to use the statement
using namespace std;
in the new compilers( or here)
+ 1
.h is used in c programming. e.g.;
#include<studio.h> (in c programming)
and #include<iostream>(in c++ programming). (I think)
and clrscr meant clear the screen.. and many compiler like dev c++ not taken clrscr function into compiler..
it is correct
Its not working here. Why so??
hlo shery pls remove the clrscr from the code and run it surely u will get the output