+ 33

To SoloLearn, is this allowed?

I've figured out a perfect way to farm XP. It is to use one account and challenge another account multiple times. However, is this allowed? As it is never stated, I assume that this is allowed. I'm not saying that I've been doing this the whole time. (cheeze is honest, don't worry lentin) I really want SoloLearn themselves to clarify this. Upvote so that SoloLearn devs can see this!

19th Jan 2017, 4:20 PM
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis - avatar
40 Respuestas
+ 21
one account of full minus xp and you challenging the same person over and over again. Someone will catch you ;)
19th Jan 2017, 4:33 PM
Frost - avatar
+ 19
It isn't a matter of ethical righteousness that I don't do boosting. Have I thought about it? Yes. But I realise that my aim here is to meanly challenge other low levels and watch them scream in agony while I take a cookie and a sip of milk. >:D
20th Jan 2017, 2:41 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 14
Challenges are good in concept, but I don't think is well designed. Too much flaws.
19th Jan 2017, 4:21 PM
Nahuel - avatar
+ 14
I think while boosting may not be an embarrassing act, there are reasons as to why it is frowned upon. Challenging and winning over other users gains XP at similar rate to boosting, but the former provides experience to other users in challenges, as compared to the latter which seals this opportunity. Lower levels may also abuse boosting to attain badges easily and get great play stats, which actually contradicts his/her actual skills. While it is only a matter of time for us to max out our challenger stats and boosting seems like a great way to shorten the wait, methinks allowing boosting just for the sake of convenience may bear more harm than gain. Nonetheless, if there are no rules against it, it will just be frowned upon if overused, nothing more than that. I can actually confirm that Shimail (or whatever the name is now) was actually boosting excessively using an alternate account. This has been pointed out by Nikhil in some other thread.
20th Jan 2017, 5:58 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 13
😓 Please peoples don't try this at home 😜
19th Jan 2017, 4:22 PM
Sun - avatar
+ 12
@cheeze This is a tough question. If it is allowed, then people are free to do it. This is like having no law to prohibit people from wearing boxers on their heads. They probs shouldn't do it since it is unsightly, but they just can. Now, let's say if we can earn $10 each hour for standing in the crowd with boxers on our heads, will we do it? I honestly don't think the humiliation is worth the money. Similarly, I, the cookie monster *ahem* have a reputation to protect in SoloLearn *ahem*.
20th Jan 2017, 2:51 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 12
@Hatsy Rei It's shimail (the programming girl), what a hilarious name. Ok btw, I definitely agree how you were saying that this is just for the sake of convenience. However, I don't really agree how it contradicts our own actual skills. Tbh, I don't learn anything from doing 600 challenges. The challenges don't show us correct answers. What I've been doing is just guessing random numbers on questions which I don't have any idea what's going on. Yes, I partially agree with you on how this is frowned upon. This is a place to learn anyways, it's not a place to show off your name on the leaderboards.
20th Jan 2017, 6:11 AM
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis - avatar
+ 11
I would imagine boosting is frowned upon
19th Jan 2017, 4:23 PM
jay - avatar
+ 11
I wouldn't because it's embarrassing. I don't see why using two accounts have the same effect? We basically farm XP at the same 5XP/win rate. I only wanted to max the challenger stats which is why I thought about this idea. To be honest, I think that this is alright.
20th Jan 2017, 2:59 AM
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis - avatar
+ 11
@cheeze And what do you think about the people who don't take challenges from higher levels to protect their xp points?
20th Jan 2017, 6:23 AM
N1nj@ - avatar
+ 11
@N1nj@ That is the reason why the decline option is there. Personally, I would protect my xp points and care about my win rate. I think that it is reasonable for all those level 1 players who declined challenges from gold players. Why? Do you want to let people see how you have negative XP gained from JavaScript or Python?
20th Jan 2017, 6:32 AM
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis - avatar
+ 9
@Nahuel Ovejero I have a feeling this is allowed because they don't seem to really care anyways.
19th Jan 2017, 4:22 PM
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis - avatar
+ 9
found a few boosters.. well suspect.. 130+ won challenges in single day.. yeah right.
19th Jan 2017, 10:36 PM
jay - avatar
+ 9
@whbe 7 month necro dude. We need a 'lock thread' feature.
6th Jul 2017, 8:34 AM
Hatsy Rei
Hatsy Rei - avatar
+ 8
@S!d Well you can always make another account and do whatever you want.
19th Jan 2017, 4:34 PM
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis - avatar
+ 8
@Hatsy Rei Ayy cookie monster. If you think it's allowed, should people do it?
20th Jan 2017, 2:44 AM
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis
David Sebastian Keshvi Illiakis - avatar
+ 8
Cheeze you don't need to explain you are the champ. Just what's the point of doing that and showing you are above than others.
23rd Jan 2017, 2:14 PM
Ram chandra Giri
Ram chandra Giri - avatar
+ 8
To get epic badge I challenged lower level and said i will not accept the challenge from higher level till i get that badge. But i always end up loosing after 24, 37, 44 consecutive win to the lower level fellow solo learner. But i don't mind loosing now.
23rd Jan 2017, 2:22 PM
Ram chandra Giri
Ram chandra Giri - avatar
+ 8
Yeah i know cheeze why would you do it. Sorry if you get the wrong idea. Sorry. I didn't meant to say that.
23rd Jan 2017, 2:52 PM
Ram chandra Giri
Ram chandra Giri - avatar
+ 8
How do people even find these threads? lmao
6th Jul 2017, 8:40 AM
Pixie - avatar