+ 15
Who wants SQL in Playground?
11 Respuestas
+ 8
Maybe me.
But how it should work?
We will need 2nd textbox(input) To write our rows.
Or ruby(Like in codewars) To generate tables
+ 6
@cheese Who need that? Console is better xD
+ 6
Hey, I wrote half of code and created styles. Not only his chat :c Also that was mine bot :~)
^^. For @{cheeze}
+ 5
set reputation = over9000 where user.name == "cheeze"
---------- QUERY RESULT ---------
Successfully changed reputation of @{cheeze}
Rows affected: 1
P.S ^^ you are cool, cheeze!
+ 5
Oh, let's go to the our chat. We'll talk in it. I think it was SQL discussion, not our chat xD
+ 4
@{cheeze}, do not fool the rules!
SPAM is not allowed
Your reputation: -1
(c) BOT_Guard
+ 4
@Michael Ermishin Lol, my internet was down for a moment. Deleted the spams, gimme back my rep.
+ 3
We don't need SQL in playground, we need phpMyAdmin.
+ 3
@Michael Ermishin I need that come on is one of my favorites
+ 3
Oh I get it. It's from Burey's Firebase chat.
+ 3
@Michael Ermishin I tried creating the same thing with PHP and SQL only. Do you use AJAX? I tried with those two languages but I put the iframe to refresh every 5 seconds.