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What does 'Backend' mean?
So I just started studying HTML and I'vre read that PHP is 'Backend'. What does that mean? My father said PHP is basically a dynamic HTML but I still don't really understand it lol. Any help is appreciated.
3 Respuestas
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Another way to think about it is server side and client side. Backend code runs on the server where the website is stored. Front end happens in the person-viewing-the-site's, the client, browser.
Php can be used to generate html dynamically. For instance php can talk to a database and get a list of people who belong to a club and then generate the html for an ordered list of those names. Selecting a different club doesn't need a new html page with that list of names hard coded... the php can just ask the database for the new names and the same code generates the new html list.
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Rumy I'd love some tips. I'm really getting into all this coding but since I haven't started CSS yet, my codes look quite raw runned, but I'll get there. Thank you so much btw :)
in terms if php its code that is executed on the server mot the browser. databases also is backend.