+ 12
Help.. i aint getting further.
I tried making the html course, i completed it but i still cant code anything.. I try to do css and javascript but it just doenst feel like im getting further.. Could someone help me with how to get further.. I really wanna learn how to code!
19 Respuestas
+ 31
Don't just read...try some mini projects as well. Nothing to complicated but just related to the topics you learnt. Just reading won't give you the kind of knowledge coding experience can.
+ 18
Whats your current strategy to learn html? Are you studying it by just reading stuff or are you coding simultaneously as you learn a new topic?
+ 8
Also try the w3schools site.
+ 7
Practice 10+ mins each day.
Try to make small projects such as calculators, todolist,.
+ 6
try doing some of the coding challenges
+ 6
Mitali i was just studying by reading.
Coding Guy i wanna try, but i really dont know how to even get more then what lines and text on the screen..
Ole113 same as above ^ kinda
Olin Guerrero that sounds interesting to start with! i tried to search up.. but do you need to code it in js or html or ? whats possible.. and wich functions are needed for it.. ( others are welcome to help also! )
+ 6
Here is the thing sololearn only introduce you to the basics of everything language offered and everyone in time had that feeling of learning for Soo long I feels like they can do anything I,LL advice you to take up project start off to build a plain page with header footer and content if you have any issue doing that check Google thanks to sololearn there is a huge community here to help you can always ask your questions and that way you can keep going on and that how we learn I hope you find this useful mine
+ 5
Coding Guy nope, But thats more for styling right? or is it overall also important?
+ 5
Coding Guy alrighty! im gonna do the css course also
+ 4
Build your own personal projects
+ 4
Looking at your profile you just started solo learn 3 or 4 days ago you can't understand coding by reading you have to practice repeat every course like 3 to 2days go through the comments box,before I joined solo learn i was having similar problem like your I tried w3school.it still did not work out 2 years later I found solo learn than I combine what I've learnt with solo learn that how I start understanding the basic of coding
+ 4
With time you understand just keep practicing
+ 4
Just reading the courses and taking the quizzes as you go along just teaches you the basics.
You can read the comments to see what other people are having problems understanding and explanations of those concepts.
+ 4
But to learn how to really code you need to practise and learn how to debug if you have errors. There's no magical shortcut I'm afraid.
You can look at other people's code to see how they solve problems similar to yours or post your questions.
Do play around with code that others have written to see how it works and how changes you make change the results. Do give credit to the original creator of the code if you decide to share what you've learned though.
If you're serious about learning you need to be disciplined and don't give up. Good luck learning.
+ 3
Read from YouTube channel "saurabh Shukla"
+ 2
build something really simple like a program that asks a input for example your name
hello vjsb, i heard you were 947 years old
+ 2
Find exercises on html
You could try reproducing a little segment of developed websites too
+ 1
You can try with simple exercises👍🏻👍🏻
Well, the exercises help you in the learning process🤔