+ 2
which is the best compiler.......and after downloading it ,in which file shall I place it so that my code block can detect it??
9 Respuestas
c. c++,c# etc
Ali, I would like to ask you ...how did you win your 2 challenges....by luck or what
Bro firstly, what you need is not a compiler but a software that includes editor and compiler
I would suggest Turbo C++ if you are a beginner but, this app is using the latest C++ directives so go for dev C++ or Visual C++
you'll find it little clumsy first but trust me they are good to go for first timers
plus Visual C++ has real world applications too
In my opinion clang++ is the best C++ compiler around. It has the best error messages I've seen, supports finding memory and multi-threading bugs and compiles quite fast. Static code analysis, include file optimization and code modernization tools are additional parts of the clang++ suite.
It works best on 64 bit Linux as some nice extensions for clang++ are only available there. Still, it's also available on Mac and Windows (never used it on these platforms). Every halfway decent Linux distribution should have a packet in their packet repository available.
i used dev
well thanx everyone
Ali I dint want the languages
@omkar: No reason to insult people. This forum should be a place where mistakes are not followed by insults.
- 3
U idiot Ali......first learn what's the difference between languages and compilers then answer the questions