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Is database a data structure too?
As much as I understand, data structure is any object that has rules of storing and retrieving data in a structured way without tempering with the stored data.
3 Respuestas
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Database and Data structure are different
Database is a well-organized collection of data that can be accessed and manipulated.
Data structure is a specific structure in which data can be organized and stored so that it can retrieved most efficiently.
For example, YouTube is one of the world's largest database. Instant search results that you get from partially typing your search query in YouTube uses Trie data structure.
Database is much broader and interesting. It includes semantic web, GIS, biological database, big data.
This is an example of a data structure.
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Data Structure is about storing data or handling data into RAM or Temporary Memory.
Database is concept or tool which store and handle data at permanent memory location (ROM).
Data Structure is not permanent storage. It is alive till the program is alive. But we can use the different Data Structure to add data into Database.
We use Database to store Data Structure.
When you use database, you query with a query language like SQL, and you don't care about the underlying data structure is. It's up to DBMS to handle that.