+ 4
Which one is better java or c++??
In terms of present needs, which programming language is better?
11 Respuestas
+ 3
From what I hear it is C++ because Kotlin is on the rise to replace Java, but I’m not an expert. Both are still required for electrical engineering degrees where I live
+ 4
C++ is low or middle level lang so its use is mainly for writing hardware games etc stuff.... while java is a high level programming lang so its uses includes android app also games, backend code etc...
So the conclusion is that its difficult to say that one lang is good or bad interms of its use in present needs.
+ 4
C++ sure! (by my opinion and developing experience) Better preformance, most popular language for game development and direct memory handling. ;)
+ 3
I would say it depends on theapplication.
+ 3
depends upon your curriculum
+ 3
Thankyou all for your answers ☺
+ 2
Both are better but java has an upperhand since it has most applications used in real world and no technology can take over java jn coming at least 60 to 80 years and java 's syntax are slight easier than c++.
+ 2
Well that's depend form the application.
+ 2
+ 1
Java is BETTER.
Java is a fully object oriented program language as compared to the c++.
security is high in Java then c++
It's depends on you what you like