What is exact difference in ' ' and " "
difference in ' ' & " "
8 Respuestas
+ 13
No difference.
+ 3
That is in python, in other languages ' is used to represent chars and " to represent strings.
For example in c#
'c' is a char, but "c" is a string with length one
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both are used to include strings, but if you use ' you do not need to escape " and vice verca
For example you can write
"doesn't" instead of 'doesn\'t'
'some "name"' instead of "some \"name\""
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They are pretty much the same, they allow for one the be used inside the other for example:
>>>print('Johnny said "hello"')
Johnny said "hello"
This is for those serious grammar nazis, if you need to use both you can do:
>>>print(""""don't touch Johnny's toys" said mom
"And stay out!"""")
"don't touch Johnny's toys" said mom
"And stay out!"
The three quotation marks can also support multiple lines.
both are same ???
if you use quotes within quotes you must diversify otherwise no difference
no different