Finding the repeated characters
How to check if the character in a string is repeated using JavaScript
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If you want to remove repeated characters, you might just be able to use a set:
console.log([...new Set(prompt("Enter string:", "kittens are cute").split(""))].join(""));
First, you get input with prompt
Then, turn it into an array with split("")
Create a set (it removes duplicate values)
Make the set into an array (with [...set]
Make the array a string (with join(""))
"kittens are cute" (string)
'k i t t e n s a r e c u t e' (array)
'k i t e n s a r c u' (set)
'k i t e n s a r c u' (array)
"kitens arcu" (string)
However, if you really just want the duplica4e values:
// Using a set for duplicate values, so they are not duplicate
let inp = prompt(), res = new Set();
for (const i of inp)
// If first occurance isn't equal to last (at least twice)
if (inp.indexOf(i) !== inp.lastIndexOf(i))
console.log(`Duplicate values: ${[...res].map(i => `'${i}'`).join(", ")}`);