+ 3
in css what does -moz- mean?
i see -moz- this a lot and i dont know the exact definition
9 Respuestas
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That's a prefix for Mozilla Firefox
+ 4
Good answer @moses and Heracles Ezzequiell
+ 3
Prefixes apply to some CSS properties that are not yet approved by the W3C. The so-called experimental properties. So that different browsers can interpret them
-moz- (firefox)
-webkit- (chrome, safari, android, ios)
-o- (opera)
-ms- (IE, Edge)
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Mozilla browsers
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Firefox mozilla
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If you don't want write prefix use sass, less or stylus and autoprefix
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It's a browser syntax code
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-moz- is simply used to apply CSS effects that are not yet supported by mozilla to mozilla.
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Prefix for -moz- (firefox)