+ 2
Which is better sololearn or w3schools
sololearn web learn
13 Respuestas
+ 13
i think w3schools...
+ 5
Neither are necessarily better than the other because they both show their curriculum in different ways.
I think Sololearn is better for experimentation and First-time learning while w3 schools is better for reference.
+ 2
I like Sololearn more because of the community and all of the interactive features they have here1
+ 2
i think both r good solo learn for it's amazing features and w3school for more detail information....... and much more extra tools
+ 1
I tried both ,w3schools has better information ,solo learn has good challenges with an interactive community you can try best of both
+ 1
Both are good for learning, Sololearn gives you more practice features, but w3school is very detailed and a very good resource for deeper understanding of programming languages.
+ 1
+ 1
both are good, try to use both...
+ 1
I think solo learn is more user friendly for beginner, than W3 schools
sololearn here u will have to answer the question time to time so this will help a lot
Use both Sololearn for learning and w3school for reference. There are good videos in YouTube. And better if you work in projects. Work hard and have fun.
can anybody tell me from which site should i start learning web development.. ?
well i think i should start from sololearn because its interface is very friendly.
w3school is very detailed and a little bit confusing..