I did not understand the purpose of width in "%[-][width].[precision]conversion character " (used in printf statements)
Can anyone explain me with an example
4 Respuestas
+ 3
From wikipedia https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Printf_format_string:
"The Width field specifies a minimum number of characters to output, and is typically used to pad fixed-width fields in tabulated output, where the fields would otherwise be smaller, although it does not cause truncation of oversized fields."
// Width is 2 and zero flag is set
// meaning that padding is replaced with zeroes
// instead of spaces
printf("%02d:%02d", 2, 30); // 02:30
// Row column thing with spaced padding
"Name", "Age",
"Bob", 7,
"Juliet", 9,
"SomeNameLongerThan10Characters", -1
// Let's say we wanted to print the float 3.14159
// as 003.142 for absolutely no reason
// precision would be 3 (digits after decimal)
// width would be the width of the entire thing
// including the decimal point and the digits after
// width = digitsBeforeDecimalPoint + 1 + precision
// width = 3 + 1 + 3 = 7
printf("%07.3f", 3.14159f);