View statement
How can I produce a view that rejects an attempt at inserting or updating records
1 Respuesta
In SQL Server, there is a setting to make views read only. You can restrict insert, update, and delete permissions on the view.
You can also do something like Union a query that returns no results. The union will prevent data modification queries from succeeding because now two tables are involved in the view.
For example:
Create View ViewName as
Select col1, col2, col3
From table
Select '0' as col1, '0' as col2, '0' as col3
From dual -- This line is for Oracle. It isn't needed in SQL Server
Where 1 = 2 -- This will prevent the second union query from returning any results
--Just make sure your Union dummy has the same number of columns and datatypes (ints, strings, dates, etc) as the top query.