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Frontend or Backend?

I have almost completed HTML course now. I am thinking of doing the CSS course. But I'm not sure; should I stick to the frontend or start learning Java? I secreatly dream of making games or just be somewhere in gaming industry. But making this kind of stuff is very hard, and this makes me resign. So maybe I should drop Java and backend and learn just frontend languages to make sites and etc.... Maybe it's too early to say stuff like this 😅 I don't know!

27th Oct 2019, 12:17 PM
Julia G ^_-
Julia G ^_- - avatar
5 Respuestas
+ 2
You yourself said, "Never give up, even if its hard". Where is ya spirit? Well learning Html (only) is like buying an ice-cream cone and hoping to get an ice-cream yourself. Web development(front end) itself start with Html+css+javascript. So without css and javascript, you wont enjoy you ice-cream.... Further, you must do java(or any such language). I recomm java because i have done it. Other than that i have also done Cpp and pyt. Finally, to get into game dev, you first need to pick up a game-dev-kit. These are the choices you have. -> Unity is awesome and outstanding and free. Most of it is GUI just like any cad. Also common behaviours to objects can be defined as easily as placing a set of cards in front of you. Finally you require Js or C# to script your own behaviours. -> LibGDX a java library is for those who want to code everything. Well, it was my choice and everything is damn hard. But now i have started to get along with it and i can say that it is a lot easier. -> JMonkey. I dont know
16th Dec 2019, 3:10 AM
Anirudh Sharma
Anirudh Sharma - avatar
+ 2
-> Jmonkey, i dont know much, please google it out. Do your own research and find what fits you taste. I am a learner, not yet a teacher or professional coder. But I would still recommend Java+Gdx. Good luck!
16th Dec 2019, 3:12 AM
Anirudh Sharma
Anirudh Sharma - avatar
+ 1
Normaly, after HTML you must learn CSS and JavaScript for frontend. Now, for backend you can you can learn PHP or node.js.
27th Oct 2019, 3:39 PM
Joyce Bissa
Joyce Bissa - avatar
+ 1
Thank you for your advice!
29th Oct 2019, 9:13 PM
Julia G ^_-
Julia G ^_- - avatar
That sounds right. Research is the best thing I can do right now, as I am a beginner. So I will do it today! Thank you very much!
16th Dec 2019, 6:45 AM
Julia G ^_-
Julia G ^_- - avatar