Is C# in SoloLearn the same with C# in Unity?
I wanted to learn C# before using it in Unity, so I want to ask if there's like a big difference or just some built-in functions/variables.
5 Respuestas
+ 2
Is the english used in your question different that english used in this answer???
See, this is what you are asking. Redstone Animates and more, C# is a language and language remains the same everywhere.
You seem to not even know what a programming language is, C# is the same language as C# obviously, unity is just a physics engine, that can be used with a variety of other languages, but mostly used with C#.
If you don't know programing I suggest you at least learn the basics then make a simple game
As I said, I just wanted to make sure if I was being dumb. And looking at these 3 comments it appears that I am actually very dumb.
😂 no you are not