+ 3

distro linux

What's the best distro linux ??? For a programer

17th Dec 2019, 11:24 PM
c_mike - avatar
17 Respuestas
+ 13
I use Ubuntu. It has everything I need.
18th Dec 2019, 9:24 PM
Igor Makarsky
Igor Makarsky - avatar
+ 9
Fedora, red hat, ubuntu, but mint is my favorite
19th Dec 2019, 7:29 AM
J 12323123
J 12323123 - avatar
+ 4
Ubuntu is garbage. Arch is the best basically, if you can get into it. Kali is also great but highly specialized. having said that, the simple truth is this: Linux is Linux. Distros are social constructs more than anything else. when you really get into Linux, you will learn to replace virtually any part of your Distro, which means the choice of Distro is really just a choice of "how bloated do I want my distro to be right after install?". for that reason, arch is generally considered the best, hardest and easiest distro all in one, because the only one who can bloat your arch distro is you. if you must have a beginner friendly distro, or simply don't feel like getting too involved with arch, you can try Manjaro which is based on arch but saves you most of the hassle. if you don't want to go anywhere near arch, I recommend Debian, which Ubuntu is based on. However, I strongly suggest you use Gnome 2, Xfce or whatever as your window manager - just don't use Gnome 3. Ubuntu is just a bloated Debian.
19th Dec 2019, 1:28 PM
+ 3
Arch linux is great but he has diferente type of comand that make thinks more dificult
18th Dec 2019, 10:43 AM
c_mike - avatar
+ 3
Ubuntu or Fedora
19th Dec 2019, 12:27 PM
Stark - avatar
+ 2
I like mint
17th Dec 2019, 11:24 PM
c_mike - avatar
+ 2
No man mint is more complete
18th Dec 2019, 10:42 AM
c_mike - avatar
+ 2
Mint is also stable
19th Dec 2019, 1:37 AM
c_mike - avatar
+ 2
But mint has more app than ubuntu
19th Dec 2019, 1:38 AM
c_mike - avatar
+ 2
I mean is store app is more complete
19th Dec 2019, 1:39 AM
c_mike - avatar
+ 2
Mint or Ubuntu
19th Dec 2019, 9:36 AM
Nora Walter
Nora Walter - avatar
+ 2
Mint and arch
19th Dec 2019, 8:27 PM
c_mike - avatar
+ 1
19th Dec 2019, 2:30 PM
OnesAndZeroes10 - avatar
+ 1
I use linux mint
29th Dec 2019, 1:05 PM
Arydev - avatar