Hi Guys, Quick question. what is the difference between a function with and without a parameter? I Made this code here that keeps asking the user to input a city name. when the user inputs an empty string, it returns the cities in a list. But i didnt use a parameter in the function, but it still worked, not so sure why. def cities(): lst=[] while True: city = input(‘Enter city’) if city == ‘ ‘: return lst lst.append(city) print(cities())
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+ 4
If you define a parameter like
def f(x):
you MUST call the function with an argument.
If you define it without, like
def f():
you MUST NOT give an argument when you call it.
However, if you give your parameter a default value, like
def f(x=1):
Then you CAN give an argument, but don't need to - if you don't, then the argument will be 1.